Sunday, November 21, 2010

Standing up

Quinn has mastered the skill to go from belly to standing. And now she knows how to do it, she is exploring her expanded world. She LOVES the tv cabinet, because it has the receiver and a DVD player in it, with lights and buttons to push. I know, we can close the door. But I want her to learn that she can't touch everything also. So as long as someone is in the room to watch her, we're leaving it open.

What is it actually with kids and non toys like cellphone and remotes. Quinn loves to play with our cellphones. We got her a fisher price toy cellphone. But hey, that's not the same! And the remote.....the most interesting thing EVER. So we got her her own remote of an old tv (took the batteries out of course). She can push on all the buttons that she wants, she can put it in her mouth, throw it around, whatever she wants to do with it......what does she do with it? Not much. She wants the other remote. She KNOWS that that's the REAL one. Haha....

Crawling into small places is another favorite thing to do. These days, she rather plays underneath her excersaucer then in it.


  1. Her and Larz sound exactly the same with the phones and remotes! He could give 2 rips about his toys when the remotes are on the table.
    Looking so forward to hanging out soon!!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

  2. war een boefje is ons schatje........
    prachtige foto's Nicole......

