Five months after they left, opa and oma came back to visit! Quinn was very excited to see them again (and so was I of course). And opa and oma were beyond excited to hold and hug their little granddaughter again. Normally they see her on the computer screen when we skype, but this is much better of course.
They are staying here for 3 weeks, so lots of time to do fun stuff together and to spoil our little munchkin like crazy.
Playing on the floor with opa....

Oma feeding Quinn her veggies. She had the entire bowl gone in no time. Bite and swallow, bite and time for breaks....We still laugh about it, because my mom herself is a very slow eater, totally opposite of how she feeds Quinn. So now when oma gives Quinn her veggies or fruit, we give Quinn a little warning to put her seat belt on and take a deep breath, because she's going for a speed feeding.

Quinn and oma laughing together...

After her 6 months birthday, I started to slowly transition from breastfeeding to formula. At the moment I still breastfeed her in the morning and evening and she gets a bottle during the day. Here, opa is giving Quinn her bottle. Actually, both oma and opa were baby sitting at that moment, as I had an adult and kids/infant cpr course at the American Red Cross that day. It was the first time I was away from her for 6 hours in a row. I knew she was in very good hands, but still........I couldn't wait to get back home :-).

Oma and opa with Quinn.
She greets them with her heartmelting smile every time she sees them. She is so used to having them around now, I'm sure she is going to miss them when they leave.
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