It's hard to be believe, but so true.....our little girl is 5 months old. What an amazing journey so far already! We really couldn't have wished for anything else with her. She is just amazing.
* sleeps a solid 9 hours at night, from about 9pm to 6am (sometimes even longer)
* she takes 2 long naps a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, and 1 shorter nap in between.
* she eats 6 times a day, only breastmilk. I haven't started with solids yet and as long as she is as satisfied as she is right now, I'm going to wait until she hits the 6 month mark.
* when she wakes up and I go into her room to get her, she welcomes me with a huge SMILE :-)
* she smiles at everything and anything, she's such a happy baby
* she chews on everything, drools a lot, but there are no teeth yet. I do see a little bit of white coming down in the front of her top gums though.....
* she loves her thumb
* she loves it when you sing to her. Or talk to her, or make funny faces. She loves all the attention that she gets.....which is a lot, haha.
* she loves to put her toes in her mouth. Wish I had her flexibility, would make Body Flow a lot easier for me....
* when she rolls on her belly, she stays like that and plays for quite some time. Hopefully this way her little bald spot on the back of her head gets filled in soon....
* she is an amazingly good baby and we LOVE her very very very much.
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