Saturday, November 12, 2011

Kane is 3 months old

Kane is 3 months old! Our little boy is doing great.
What's going on at 3 months:
* He loves to smile and giggle.
* He loves to get kisses from his big sister Quinn.
* He loves to be on his belly and view the world from a different angle. He holds his head up really well.
* He sleeps through the night! YEAH!!!!! Bedtime starts between 8.30 and 9.00pm and he sleeps until about 7am. This started when he was 10 weeks old and it makes me VERY VERY happy! Good job buddy.
* He takes 3 to 4 naps during the day, varying in length.
* He is still fully breastfed and eats 6 times a day.
* He doesn't want his pacifier anymore. Instead, he has found his thumb! Yes, we have two thumsuckers now......
* He holds on to toys when you give it in his hands.
* He also discovered his hands and likes to look at his fingers and move them.
* His big blue eyes follow every move we make. He especially keeps an eye on his big sister.
We LOVE you little man.

1 comment:

  1. wat een vrolijke en mooi manneke nicole!
    ik heb weer genoten van de foto's van jullie oogappeltjes!

    nicole wij wensen jullie ook hele fijne kerstdagen en een heel gelukkig 2012!!

    lieve groetjes marja
