Monday, July 26, 2010

@ The Little Gym

Quinn and I have been going to the Little Gym for a few weeks now and she absolutely loves it. Seeing other kids her size puts a big smile on her face to begin with. And she loves to do the different excersises together, sing songs, play with bells, balls and bubbles.
We go every Monday at 8am, where she is a little 'bug' for 45 minutes (the program for 4-10 months old's is called the Bug program). I'm positive that everything we do at the Little Gym helps strengthening her muscels and physical skills, but maybe even more it also develops her social skills. Especially when she gets a little big older and starts to interact with other kids more.

Miss Amy (the instructor) is so much fun. She just had her second baby 4 weeks ago and is already back to teach and play with our little bugs. Here she is helping Quinn with her sit-ups.

Quinn thinks that 2 reps is enough for now.....

Doing head tumbles is so much fun. I'm surprised (and glad) she kept her breakfast in :-)


  1. jeee Nicole wat leuk.....
    op die ene foto duikelt ze daar kopje.

    mooi hoor

    liefs ma

  2. wat enig nicole!!!!
    leuk de foto's te kunnen zien op je blog hoor!!!!
    een fijn weekend nicole!!!

    lieve gr. marja
