Wow, I just can't get over it. Our little girl is half a year already. This is unbelievable. And what a changes we have gone through so far. She is getting so big and all the things she can do already. It's so much fun to watch her grow and explore.
Her 6 months stats are:
weight: 13 pounds, 11 ounces (6208 grams)
height: 24.75 inches (63 cm)
head circumference: 43 cm
With her 13.11 lbs she is still only on the 10% line with her weight, but she has defenitely started to gain pounds faster in the last few weeks. Probably the solids she is getting now are putting on the pounds.....she loves to eat :-)
What is going on in Quinn's life at 6 months:
* she sleeps 9 to 10 hours at night (yeahhhh!!!)
* on a good day, she takes two long naps (1,5 to 2 hours) and one little cat nap. Not every day is the same though, especially when we have errands to run, her naps are divided a bit different.
* her schedule looks approximately like this
6.00/6.30am: wake up time, milk
8.00/8.30am: nap
10.00am: milk
12.00am: sometimes a little cat nap
1.00pm: milk and cereal
2.30pm: nap
4.30pm: milk and vegetables
7.00pm: milk and cereal
8.30pm: bedtime (normally I nurse her too sleep. I know it's not recommended, but I love it when she falls asleep in my arms and she sleeps so good on it.....I'm not ready to change that yet) * we started introducing solids about 2 weeks ago. We started with cereal and just added vegetables. So far, she loves them.
* she figured out that with rolling over, you can get to different places.....
* she drools and chews like crazy, but no sign of teeth yet.
* her hair is getting blonder and blonder and is starting to fill in little by little.
* she smiles at everyone and is still pretty good with other people holding her. When she's tired though she prefers mommy or daddy.
* she is very nosy and wants to keep track of everyone and everything around her.
* she smiles at the computer when her opa and oma or aunt Aafke, uncle Arjan and her cousins are talking to her or playing 'peekaboo'.
* she laughs out loud when you tickle her or give her kisses on her belly.
* she is such a little sweetheart and we're so proud of her.
We're excited to find out what the next month will bring us :-)
We got her a cell phone for her 6-months Birthday. Now she can call daddy any time she wants!!