Saturday, April 3, 2010

2 months old

March 29 2010: Quinn is 2 months old today. What fun it has been already to see her grow and develop in just these first two months. I can't wait for what's to come. She is full of smiles when she sees you, which is the most wonderful experience. Her 2 month wellness checkup with the pediatrician went good as well. A moment of sadness when they gave her her shots (trust me, it was as hard for me as it was for her), but other than that she was doing awesome.
Our little peanut is growing well. Her 2 months wellness stats are:
weight: 9 lbs, 0.5 oz
length: 22 inches
head circumference: 39 cm

A little bit of tummy time each day. It's not her favorite thing, but she is getting better and better at it.

Her favorite toy at the moment is her jungle gym. She loves to look around, kick her legs and arms and see what moves.

Hanging out with daddy.

Looking at and talking to opa and oma at the computer.

And after that it's time for a nap. Also for daddy.

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