My cousins Martijn en Wouter visited us on their way home from a trip to Vancouver and Las Vegas/Grand Canyon. We are very happy they made this extra stop in Green Bay to visit us and meet our little girl. They hit it off right away and had defenitely a relaxing influence on her. Since the first night they were here, she slept for 6 hours straight during the night!
Thanks guys for coming. We miss you.
Martijn imitated airplane sounds (or that's what it sounded like to me at least) which made her fall asleep..
and it worked....I think also on himself.....
Of course there's no baby visit complete without having "beschuit met muisjes", a Dutch tradition whenever a baby is born. Opa and oma brought a few boxes of the "muisjes", which are suger coated sprinkles in pink/white for girls and blue/white for boys. You put them on a "beschuit" which is some kind of round crisp cracker. Delicious and really Dutch. Yammie.
Quinn listened to Wouter very carefully.....