Happy 17-month Birthday little peanut!
Well, little????? Not so little anymore I would say. Our girl is getting so big and smart.
Our days have been looking different lately. This came along with the disappearance of her morning nap about 1,5 to 2 weeks ago. Quinn normally gets up anywhere between 6.30 and 8 am. I try to stay ahead of her and be ready by the time she wakes up, which I manage to do most of the time (except when she is really awake and ready to get out at 6.30am....). Then normally between 11 and 11.30 am we start lunch and after that it's naptime around noon. On good days (most of the time) she sleeps about 3 to 3.5 hours, but sometimes only 2 hours. I love her long naps, because it allows me to get housework done, do some dinner preparations and still have some me-time, which is mainly laying down for a while. Coming to the end of pregnancy and not sleeping very good at night, a daytime nap really can do wonders :-)
Mornings can be long sometimes, especially when she's up early and we don't have anywhere to go. But in general, she's doing really good on this 1 nap a day routine. I'm surprised how quickly she changed over.
Here are a few things that interest her at 17 months:
* animals: she loves going to the Zoo to check out the animals and feed the girafs.
* books: she gets them out several times a day. She has her favorites, which she picks first, but most of the time every single one gets opened up.....
* closing things: we have to be quick, because she closes the door of the fridge, garbage or dishwasher before we get a change to put anything in it.
* music: it's amazing how she remembers songs from music class or tunes she hears on tv or from her toys. Every day before naptime I turn on the 'dancing with Teddy' song from music class and she automatically goes get her teddy bear and dances with him. It's adorable to see and I know I have to try to get this on video, but anytime she sees the video, her attention goes to the videocamera and teddy gets thrown on the floor.....
I just finished a video of her first year (finally) and I realize that we haven't been filming much in her second year at all yet. I'm going to try to get the camera out more again, because there are so many fun moments of her that we should capture. But as I just mentioned, once the camera is in view, she stops doing what she's doing......
Our days have been looking different lately. This came along with the disappearance of her morning nap about 1,5 to 2 weeks ago. Quinn normally gets up anywhere between 6.30 and 8 am. I try to stay ahead of her and be ready by the time she wakes up, which I manage to do most of the time (except when she is really awake and ready to get out at 6.30am....). Then normally between 11 and 11.30 am we start lunch and after that it's naptime around noon. On good days (most of the time) she sleeps about 3 to 3.5 hours, but sometimes only 2 hours. I love her long naps, because it allows me to get housework done, do some dinner preparations and still have some me-time, which is mainly laying down for a while. Coming to the end of pregnancy and not sleeping very good at night, a daytime nap really can do wonders :-)
Mornings can be long sometimes, especially when she's up early and we don't have anywhere to go. But in general, she's doing really good on this 1 nap a day routine. I'm surprised how quickly she changed over.
Here are a few things that interest her at 17 months:
* animals: she loves going to the Zoo to check out the animals and feed the girafs.
* books: she gets them out several times a day. She has her favorites, which she picks first, but most of the time every single one gets opened up.....
* closing things: we have to be quick, because she closes the door of the fridge, garbage or dishwasher before we get a change to put anything in it.
* music: it's amazing how she remembers songs from music class or tunes she hears on tv or from her toys. Every day before naptime I turn on the 'dancing with Teddy' song from music class and she automatically goes get her teddy bear and dances with him. It's adorable to see and I know I have to try to get this on video, but anytime she sees the video, her attention goes to the videocamera and teddy gets thrown on the floor.....
I just finished a video of her first year (finally) and I realize that we haven't been filming much in her second year at all yet. I'm going to try to get the camera out more again, because there are so many fun moments of her that we should capture. But as I just mentioned, once the camera is in view, she stops doing what she's doing......